Tips to Stay Healthy for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know that your zodiac sign can make you prone to certain health issues? According to astrology, each sun sign is susceptible to specific ailments, but these tips will help you remedy them and stay healthy!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries rules: The head.

Most common ailments: Headaches, migraines, TMJ

Symptoms: You’re the sign known for being “hotheaded,” so it only stands to reason that headaches and migraines would be a significant problem for you. You tend to clench your jaw, which also leads to TMJ.

Remedy: Meditation, relaxation exercises, chamomile tea.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus rules: The throat.

Most common ailments: Ear, nose, and throat issues.

Symptoms: You’re active outdoors, but you also spend a lot of time voicing your opinions and putting a lot of stress on your throat.

Remedy: Wearing scarves to cover your nose and mouth when outdoors to warm the air you breathe, immune-boosting teas.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini rules: Hands, wrists, arms, and shoulders.

Most common ailments: Carpal tunnel and repetitive stress injuries.

Symptoms: Sometimes it is hard to pry yourself away from your desk, but you can overwork your limbs if you spend all day at the keyboard.

Remedy: Communicate with people by phone, type less. If you have to text or type, use the voice-activation feature.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer rules: The gut.

Most common ailments: Acid reflux, diarrhea, stomach aches.

Symptoms: As you can be overly sensitive and emotional, you often get yourself a little too worked up and tie your stomach in knots.

Remedy: Make sure to keep your pH balanced, limit acidic foods, and work on keeping calm through relaxation techniques or meditation.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo rules: The heart.

Most common ailments: High blood pressure, heart disease.

Symptoms: You expect a lot of yourself and others, but some of this stress can be a little too much to bear, especially when you try to take responsibility for everything all at once.

Remedy: Low cholesterol diet, relaxation exercises, get plenty of physical exercise. Try not to overwork.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo rules: Digestion.

Most common ailments: Food allergies, eating disorders, gastrointestinal problems.

Symptoms: Because you have such a sense of perfection, you worry about everything. By twisting your stomach in knots constantly, you continually put your digestive system through the wringer.

Remedy: Meditation, yoga, chamomile tea, and a balanced pH diet. 

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra rules: The adrenals, kidneys, bladder, and other organs that filter liquid.

Most common ailments: Kidney stones, overactive bladder.

Symptoms: In trying to keep up your energy, you may be overdoing it on caffeine and sugary drinks, which could be dehydrating you.

Remedy: Drink eight glasses of water a day, consume a balanced pH diet.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio rules: The reproductive and elimination organs.

Most common ailments: Hormonal imbalances, irritable bowel syndrome, painful menstrual cycles.

Symptoms: You tend to get yourself worked up, and it could be throwing your hormones or digestive organs out of whack.

Remedy: Meditation, relaxation techniques, regular medical checkups.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius rules: The hips, legs and thighs.

Most common ailments: Lower extremity sprains, strains, breaks.

Symptoms: You’re not only very active, but you’re also often overactive. On top of that, you can be impulsive and careless, leading to injury.

Remedy: Look before you leap. Make sure to stretch before and after activities and to do things in moderation.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn rules: Structures (i.e. joints).

Most common ailments: Strains, sprains, breaks.

Symptoms: You tend to push yourself hard in everything you do (read: overdo it), persisting long after you should stop.

Remedy: Stretching, strengthening exercises, get regular chiropractic and orthopedic care.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius rules: Circulatory system.

Most common ailments: Swollen calves, ankles, and feet.

Symptoms: Because you are such a thinker, you can spend a little too much time in the chair. This causes an accumulation of liquids in your lower extremities, particularly your calves, ankles, and feet.

Remedy: Learn to do more brainstorming on the run, get out and do your thinking while walking, jogging, or biking. Dictate into your phone or a recorder if you need to capture your ideas.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces rules: Lymphatic system.

Most common ailments: Fluid buildup.

Symptoms: You tend to be a worrywart, and this can stress your immune system, which in turn affects your lymphatic system. This cycle can give you a tendency to pick up infections such as strep throat or infected skin wounds.

Remedy: Drink eight glasses of water a day, get regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet.

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