What Is in the Cards for Virgo?

Each zodiac sign has specific tarot cards assigned to them. I don’t mean just one card. Every sign has a specific card for them, their ruling planet, and their element. But what do these cards mean? Let’s find out.

Today, we are talking about Virgo. I know we have given the earthy perfectionist a lot of attention this month. But since we only have a few more days left in Virgo season, I figured we would send them off with one more article. Don’t worry, Libra, we will talk about you next month. 

It may seem obvious why Virgo would be connected to the Hermit card, the Magician card, and the Pentacles suit, but let’s dive in a little deeper.


Pentacles suit in tarot

Every earth sign is connected to the pentacles suit. Pentacles represent stability, practicality, and organization. But the suit can also represent stubbornness and materialism.

The pentacles speak to the dependable nature of Virgos. When a pentacle card pops up in a spread, it can mean home life and family matters. But it can also mean hesitation and greed. This is the “common sense” suit, and it speaks to Virgo’s pragmatism.

The Magician

Magician tarot card

Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury and the tarot card for the communicative planet is the first card in the major arcana, (not counting The Fool,) The Magician. This card represents ingenuity and innovation. When this card is pulled it can mean that you are industrious and business-minded. It also prompts the logical Virgo to tap into their creative side.

This card represents the ability to think outside of the box. Mercury rules our expression and reminds Virgo to express themselves.

The Hermit

Hermit tarot card

The tarot card for Virgo is The Hermit. This card is the perfect card for the mutable earth sign because it represents the wisdom that comes from age and experience. This card reminds Virgos to gather their thoughts and to consider their options before making major decisions.

The Hermit inspires Virgo to hold right to their morals and values. Don’t compromise your sense of self for the sake of keeping the peace. Your own inner peace is more important. You have a kind and loyal heart, Virgo. The Hermit wants you to take care of your logical mind.

There you have it, Virgos! A perfect tarot spread for a perfect perfectionist! Whenever these cards pop up in your reading, know that they may have an extra special message for you.

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