Your Perfect Halloween Costume Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Halloween is right around the corner, and some of you still don’t have your costume picked out yet. This list will tell you what your ideal costume is based on your zodiac sign. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising sign too!

Aries- Pirate

The adventurous Aries will love this fun and feisty costume, You can be a sexy pirate of passion, or you can live your grungy Jack Sparrow fantasy. So set your ship to ramming speed and have a happy Halloween!

Taurus- Zombie

There are not many things that a Taurus appreciates more than a good meal. Even if that meal is brains. Since this fixed earth sign loves their creature comforts, they will find comfort dressed as this creature.

Gemini- Werewolf

Werewolves are erratic and dualistic by nature. Does that sound like a certain twinly air sign we know? This wild and fearsome costume will have all the Geminis howling through the night.

Cancer- Witch

Cancers and witches have a lot in common. They are both moody, empathic, and ruled by the moon. A witch costume will make this water sign want to brew up a potion or dance beneath the moonlight.

Leo- King/Queen/Sovereign

A zodiac sign represented by the King of the jungle has to be a King, or Queen, or Sovereign. So adorn yourself with the finest gold crown you can find and rule that Halloween party. Live your best life, my liege!

Virgo- Angel

Since Virgos have an intense dedication to duty and righteousness it only makes sense that they would be the perfect angels. A stunning white robe and feathery wings would allow you to look heavenly this Halloween.

Libra- Ghost

It may be a bit ironic that a sign that can be the life of the party would make a perfect ghost. But an ethereal spirit who effortlessly floats from conversation to conversation at a Halloween party is the ideal costume to match Libra’s go-with-the-flow nature.

Scorpio- Vampire

Scorpios know what we do in the shadows. The passionate and sensual scorpion would wear a vampire costume well. The fixed water sign can easily embody the seductive Dracula or a sparkly Cullen.

Sagittarius- Clown

Sagittarius is brave, ambitious, and insanely entertaining. Sagittarii are able to amuse everyone around them without taking themselves too seriously. A clown costume would be perfect for this delightful sign. Just don’t hide in any sewers.

Capricorn- Devil

This might seem like I’m insulting Capricorn’s but hear me out. The major arcana tarot card for Capricorn is the Devil, representing material and physical pleasures. And this costume will inspire the earthy sign to indulge in their own earthly delights.

Aquarius- Alien

This starry-eyed sign sometimes feels like an outsider. They may even feel like they are from a different planet. Own it! Put together an alien costume so out-of-this-world you’ll never want to phone home.

Pisces- Mermaid

The dreamy and musically-inclined Pisces will entice all Halloween party-goers with a dazzling mermaid costume and a scintillating siren song. You know Libra will love you. They can’t resist anything with scales!

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