It’s Gemini Season! Here’s What to Expect

Yesterday, May 20, the sun moved from hedonistic Taurus into curious and playful Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the twins, and those twins like to keep things fast-paced and light-hearted. As a whole, this season brings out opportunities to socialize (and it’s about time!) and the desire to soak up as many experiences as the universe can provide us.

It can also bring about some serious indecision, partially because we want to do all the things all at once, and that’s just not humanly possible.

But of course, that’s how Gemini season affects us as a collective. In order to see what the next four weeks will bring you on an individual level, you must look at what part of your chart Gemini activates. So read on to see what this season means for your sun and rising signs.

Aries and Aries Rising

Aries, the sun is moving into your sector of communication. For the next four weeks, expect a fuller social calendar than you’ve had in recent months. Take time to tend to the relationships that haven’t been as active lately. There are bound to be several, but your radiant personality will win everyone over.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Taurus, the sun is moving into your 2nd house of value. Over the next month your attention will be on material matters, comfort, and security. This might spur you on to accumulate a lot of “stuff.” Be mindful of your spending. Find better ways to comfort yourself.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Surprise, Gemini! The sun is moving into your sector of identity. It’s a new dawn; a new day. For the next four weeks, you’ll feel an increase in energy and confidence as you turn over a new leaf. It’s time to seize the brand-new opportunities that will present themselves to you.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Cancer, the sun is moving into your 12th house of rest and healing, and that’s probably music to your ears. This marks the beginning of four weeks of much needed rest and retreat. Dream a little, and give yourself space to recharge your batteries. You’ll feel more outgoing when the sun moves into your native sign next month.

Leo and Leo Rising

Leo, the sun is moving into your sector of community. Expect the next month to be light-hearted and social. New connections are likely, and networking will be very beneficial. Even your romantic relationships should take on a more playful tone. Doesn’t that sound like a breath of fresh air right now?

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Virgo, the sun is moving into your 10th house of ambition. For the next month, your focus will largely be placed on your career and your advancements in it. You crave attention and accolades for the hard work you’ve put in, and it’s very likely that that recognition will come your way.

Libra and Libra Rising

Libra, the sun is moving into your sector of philosophy and learning. This sets up four weeks of looking outside of yourself. Adventure is the name of the game, and you’re seeking new experiences and higher meaning. Taking risks and broadening your horizons are wise moves.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, the sun is moving into your 8th house of transformation, a place you feel very much at home. For the next four weeks, you may find yourself focused on areas of personal growth. You might feel like taking a step back from the rat race and focusing on family, a partner, or your own emotional healing.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the sun is moving into your sector of balance and partnerships. For the next four weeks, you may be hyper-focused on finding a partner – or fostering the relationship with your existing one. At a time of so much self-discovery, someone to bounce ideas off of would be incredibly helpful. Keep your eyes peeled and your mind open.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, the sun is moving into your house of habits and systems. This is a productive time for work and health routines, and you may take pride in what you accomplish over the next month. You can make vast improvements to the whole by focusing on the details.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Things are looking up, Aquarius! The sun is moving into your 5th house of passion and creativity. Expect to be filled with creative energy for the next four weeks. After a time of staying in your shell and playing house, it’s time to take risks and get out and play in the sun.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Sweet Pisces, the sun is moving into your sector of domesticity. You’ll be drawn towards nesting and devoting your next four weeks to beautifying your space and taking care of domestic issues. This is a time to take pride in your home and your family.

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