Scorpio and Sagittarius Will Take Us Through Emotional Peaks and Valleys

Monday? More like MOON-day! The moon is extra busy today. Today, The moon in Scorpio is enhancing our creativity and sentimentality, while Leo is repressing our emotions and causing dissatisfaction. Later, the moon moves into Sagittarius making us restless and eager to learn new things. 

The Moon Is Trine Neptune at 5:30 AM

In the early hours of the morning, the moon in passionate Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune who is at home in compassionate Pisces. This is an incredibly watery trine. When two water signs are coupled with two celestial bodies that are highly associated with water, our empathy and enthusiasm are heightened. We have a great understanding of art and each other. We have clear, creative ideas in our minds. Now is the time to bring them to fruition. Your artistic project can help to inspire others.

The Moon Is Square Mars at 6:14 AM

About 45 minutes later, the moon in Scorpio forms a square with Mars in willful Leo.

This square brings out our passion, but it can also bring out our competitive spirits. We feel particularly argumentative — especially with the opposite sex. We may try to mask our emotions with hasty decisions. It is important that we acknowledge our own feelings at this time, rather than repressing them. Journaling or talking to a trusted confidant can help.

The Moon Is Sextile Pluto at 9:31 AM

Around breakfast time, the moon in Scorpio forms a sextile with Pluto in bold Capricorn. Our sense of adventure is heightened under this transit. We have a great desire to visit new places that hold sentimental value. Now is the time to book that trip that you have been wanting to take. Bring some friends along and make it a group outing.

The Moon Is Square Venus at 12:25 PM

In the afternoon, the moon in Scorpio forms a square with Venus in Leo. Under this square our instincts are strong but our inhibitions can weaken them. This is a lot of passionate energy in this transit, but we run the risk of having our passions go unfulfilled. We can also feel like our thoughts and feelings are not being taken seriously. This dissatisfaction and insecurity can lead to problems with our loved ones. It can be helpful to set aside time just to vent your frustrations in a healthy and productive way.

The Sun Is Trine the Moon at 12:29 PM

Just a few minutes later, the sun in devoted Cancer forms a trine with the moon in Scorpio. “Harmony” and “happiness” are the two words most associated with this trine. This transit can help to manifest a healthy work-life balance, a substantial diet and exercise regime, and peaceful relationships with your loved ones. The key to success is to let things happen naturally. Don’t push yourself or try to force harmony into your life. Let it flow around you.

The Moon Moves into Sagittarius at 5:07 PM

In the early evening, the moon moves into self-reflective Sagittarius. This moon brings out our fiery and high-spirited energy. We can feel a little restless underneath lunar Sagittarius but this restlessness does not have to be a negative thing. Our hearts and minds are wide awake. This is a wonderful time to educate ourselves and expand our horizons.

The Moon Is Square Jupiter at 6:36 PM

About an hour and a half later, the moon in Sagittarius forms a square with Jupiter in Pisces. Our day has come full circle — it started with a Pisces transit and it ends with a Pisces transit. Under this square, we find ourselves at odds with authority figures, and arguments may lead to turmoil in our relationships. We have had a long and emotionally exhausting day, so we can benefit from taking a step back from everyone and everything to collect ourselves.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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