Tarot Tuesday: The Knight of Swords

Welcome to Tarot Tuesday!

Each Tuesday I will be pulling a card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and writing about what the card could mean for the signs, broken up by element. This card can help you set your intention for the rest of the week or it can provide a visualization of your current situation. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign.

Knight of Swords

This week I pulled a court card, The Knight Of Swords. A Knight card can often represent a younger (in age or mentality) masculine figure. Or more abstractly, it can represent a need for independence. This court card can represent freedom and adventure. But it can also represent ego and selfishness.

The Knight Of Swords represents a determined or obsessive person. This person is very knowledgeable and enterprising but may be a bit too smart for their own good. If this person is emotionally immature, they can take offense as easily as they give it. However, with proper guidance, they can use their intelligence for good.

The Knight of Swords can also represent the desire to fight against institutions that you deem intolerant or unjust. 

What This Card Means For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs are ruled by their passion and drive. This card speaks to your strong will and ambition. You may have been feeling particularly motivated to stand your ground lately. You have an intense need to fight for what you believe in. Though this is an admirable desire, be careful in the way you choose to fight. Innocent people may get caught in your crossfire.  

What This Card Mean For Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth signs are ruled by their dedication and desire. This card speaks to your single-mindedness. You have a clear goal in mind and you are dead set on achieving it. You are diligent in your pursuit, but you run the risk of pushing anyone who you see as an obstacle away. Accept guidance from those who want to help you.  

What This Card Means For Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs are ruled by their compassion and independence. This card holds more significance for you because the Swords are the suit of air. You are unwavering in your fight against injustice. So unwavering, in fact, that you may find it hard to find a common ground with others. Clear and concise communication will promote balance and understanding.

What This Card Means For Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water signs are ruled by their empathy and imagination. This card speaks to your wit and curiosity. You are eager to learn and apply what you learn to your various projects. However, you feel hyper-sensitive and it may be difficult for you to accept constructive criticism at this time. Listen and take what you need from the criticism without taking it to heart.

Tune in next week for another Tuesday Tarot Pull!

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