The Moon in Cancer Wants You to Hold on to Your Dreams

The day starts off on a rather high note, and ends on a bit of a low note. In the morning and the early afternoon, the moon in Cancer teams up with Venus and Neptune to fill our hearts with love and our minds with vision and imagination. Hang on to those good feelings because Pluto and Uranus may make us insecure and impulsive.

The Moon Is Sextile Venus at 5:14 AM

Early this morning, the moon in sentimental Cancer forms a harmonious sextile with Venus in true-blue Virgo. This is a truly delightful constellation to exist under. This sextile fills our lives with love and balance. Taurus helps us feel safe and secure with our romantic partners. While Virgo helps us to be loyal and considerate of others. We feel content and non-confrontational. Now is a wonderful time to consider starting a family or becoming active in your community.

The Moon Is Trine Neptune at 1:39 PM

Around lunchtime, the moon is playing with a lot of water energy. The moon in Cancer is forming a trine with imaginative and empathetic Pisces. Yesterday was all about using your ambition to your fullest potential. Today is the day for reveling in your imagination and dreams. Because what is ambition without dreams?

With a heightened sense of empathy, you’ll enjoy being around other people today as well as yourself. You feel beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. You have an appreciation for the artistic vision of others, but you are basking in the glow of your own vision. Sit with your dreams today. Evaluate them. Let them speak to you. Let the spiritual water of Cancer, Neptune, and Pisces nourish your enthusiasm and imagination.

The Moon Is Opposite Pluto 6:02 PM

This evening, the moon, in an extremely emotional Cancer, moves in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. This placement may cause you to feel like all your effort is not being appreciated or reciprocated. You may also feel stuck in a rut. These are hard feelings to sit with and you may be understandably disappointed or disheartened.

To counteract this dejected feeling you may turn to creature comforts, or you may indulge in things that bring you pleasure. It’s perfectly alright to distract yourself from the hurt every now and then. But be careful. Do not overindulge. Too much of anything is bad for you, and an over-dependence on pleasure can lead to physical, mental, and emotional illness.

The Sun Is Square Uranus at 8:49 PM

Later, the sun in audacious Leo forms a square with Uranus in uncompromising Taurus. Under this square, we do not like to be given orders. We feel oppositional and defiant.

At this time, we are hasty in our speech and actions. We make impulsive decisions particularly in terms of romance. Our risky behavior can lead to physical injuries and emotional pain. Normally, overthinking can be detrimental to our well-being. But during this transit, thinking long and hard about our decisions may be the best course of action.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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