The Moon in Capricorn Wants Us to Remain Grounded

The earth signs are taking over today. The day starts off with the moon sliding over to Capricorn, promoting peace and perseverance. But later, Capricorn and Virgo are going to form a couple of contentious transits that create tension and hostility. The absence of any water or fire energy gives us an “all work and no play” mentality. Thankfully, the day ends on a positive note as the moon forms two harmonious trines.

The Moon Moves into Capricorn At 2:00 AM

While we slept, the moon left Sagittarius and entered determined Capricorn. Under this moon, we may be operating under a “more work, less play” mentality. We felt ambitious under the Sagittarius moon but now the Sea-Goat has cranked that ambition up to eleven.

We are so close to achieving our goals, we can taste it. We approach everything with a serious attitude. Our concentration and attention to detail will help us in professional matters. We have a strong sense of responsibility and duty, at this time. Though perseverance is admirable, we have to remember to set aside a little time for leisure.

The Moon Is Square Venus at 6:30 AM

Early this morning, the moon in Capricorn forms a square with Venus in Libra. Under this square our instincts are strong but our inhibitions can weaken them. This is a lot of passionate energy in this transit, but we run the risk of having our passions go unfulfilled.

We can also feel like our thoughts and feelings are not being taken seriously. This dissatisfaction and insecurity can lead to problems with our loved ones. It can be helpful to set aside time just to vent your frustrations in a healthy and productive way.

Mercury Is Conjunct Mars at 11:30 PM

This evening, the moon in over-critical Virgo forms a conjunction with Mercury, also in Virgo. Under this conjunction, our minds are working so rapidly that we do not want to waste time on things we deem tedious. Our ever-changing opinions and last-minute decisions may cause us to make the same mistakes over and over again.

We are also not very open to constructive criticism under this transit. We may become hostile when someone tries to offer us advice. While it may be impolite for someone to give us unwarranted advice, we must remember that they are probably just trying to help.

The Moon Is Trine Mars at 11:40 PM

Just ten minutes later, the moon in Capricorn forms a trine with Mars in Virgo. Under this trine, we are endowed with great physical and mental energy. Capricorn gives us great initiative, while Virgo enhances our innovation. You may have struggled with hardships recently, but you are pushing through and persevering. Your feet are firmly planted on the ground and nothing can get in your way.

The Moon Is Trine Mercury At 11:41 PM

Around the same time, the moon in Capricorn forms a trine with Mercury in Virgo. This trine gives us a level head. We are eager to learn and we use good judgement. Under this placement, we are more likely to use critical thinking and positive rhetoric to overcome our troubles.

We are open to experiencing anything new. At this time, we can easily influence others with our charisma and leadership qualities. However, it is important that we wield this power with great discernment. We want to keep our influence a positive one.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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