The Moon In Gemini Wants Us To Live, Laugh, And Learn

Happy Thursday everyone! It really will be a happy Thursday under these placements. This morning, the moon moves into Gemini causing us to feel expressive, communicative, and eager to learn. In the afternoon, the sun in Aries will form a sextile with Jupiter in Aquarius, making us feel popular and successful. Lucky for us, this sextile will stay around for about two days.

The Moon Moves into Gemini At 2:36 AM

In the wee hours of the morning, the moon moves into expressive Gemini. This placement brings us a great sense of mental clarity. We are eager to learn more and are responsive to the lessons that the world wants to teach us. We feel alert and ready to tackle what life plans to throw at us today.

We are craving new experiences. These experiences can be as mundane as watching a movie you have never seen before or trying out the new coffee shop that just opened up in town. But these experiences could also be life-changing. You could book that long vacation, or explore a new city, or apply for that job that you have always wanted.

Our desire to listen and learn is enhanced at this time. There might be a new job or position that you are training for. Or maybe there is a hobby that you have been eager to master. Gemini wants you to be open and willing to take in the information and instruction you are given.

It is a good time to keep all lines of communication and contact open. We might need to have a discussion with a loved one that we have been putting off. Or maybe, we feel compelled to reach out to a friend who we have not spoken to in a while. If you find that you are having trouble verbally communicating, it may be helpful to write a letter or maybe even a poem.

The Sun Is Sextile Jupiter At 2:22 PM

Around lunchtime, the sun in radiant Aries forms a sextile with Jupiter in compassionate Aquarius. This sextile is an ideal aspect. We feel more lively and exuberant with every breath we take. Aries is filling us with an effervescent glow that attracts new friends and acquaintances. While Aquarius’ considerate nature is helping us listen and support our current friends. When these signs work in tandem, it allows us to become a beacon of healthy positivity for our loved ones.

Under this placement, it is okay to take a step back and revel in your professional success. This week has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster, but you have persevered. You have been diligent with your tasks and projects, both professional and personal. Now is a good time to take a moment and just be proud of yourself. If you do not take time to reflect on your own positive attributes and achievements, you may burn yourself out.

Aries and Aquarius working together can prove to be a formidable pair. Aries’ passion combined with Aquarius’ revolutionary thinking might create a strong sense of justice within us. We feel a strong need to help and stand up for others. We may want to take part in activism or donate to an important cause. Just remember to listen to the people whom you are defending, rather than speaking over them.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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