Pisces has taken over the moon, our morning, and our imaginations! This morning, the moon in Aquarius forms a trine with Venus in Gemini, filling us to the brim with feelings of tenderness and romance. Then, the moon moves into Pisces, inspiring us to reflect upon our inner selves. Finally, the moon in Pisces forms a conjunction with Jupiter, also in Pisces. This conjunction motivates us to work towards financial and social success.
The Moon Is Trine Venus at 2:21 AM
Early this morning, the moon in compassionate Aquarius forms a sweet and sentimental trine with Venus in sympathetic Gemini. Under this trine, we are open to the idea of love and marriage. We have a happy hand in our romantic relationships. We are considerate of our partners’ emotions and desires. And we are able to anticipate and adapt to each other’s needs.
We have a cheery disposition and attitude towards everyone around us. We are present and ready to help our loved ones with any task, big or small. We strive for peace at this time and avoid conflict to the best of our ability.
The Moon Moves Into Pisces at 5:14 AM
A few hours later, the moon makes a home in dreamy Pisces. Under this moon, we may feel a little more reserved and sensitive at this time. Though we may appear passive, our imaginations are active and running wild. At this time, we may experience intense and vivid dreams.
Meditation and self-reflection should be our top priorities. It may be healthy to take a step back from the outside world and look inside of ourselves. We need to nurture and listen to our inner selves.
The Moon Is In Conjunction at 8:17 AM
Later, the moon in Pisces forms a conjunction with Jupiter, also in Pisces. Under this rather congenial conjunction, we may experience professional as well as personal success. Not only do we experience success but we are able to enjoy it as well.
At this time, we feel intuitive and we trust our gut feelings. We also have a strong sense of ambition. It may be wise to start saving your money for a future goal or desire. It is also a great time to let yourself indulge in your artistic tendencies.
All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.