The Stars Want Us to Seek Guidance

Today, we are bereft of any water signs. Fiery Leo is driving us to manufacture a false machismo. We do not heed the words of others thanks to willful earth signs. And Aquarius is awakening our inner rebel. With no empathetic water signs to balance us out, we are going to have to rely on communicative Gemini to right our course.

The Sun Is Opposite Saturn at 1:38 AM

Early this morning, the sun in conceited Leo forms an opposite with Saturn in temperamental Aquarius. Normally, these signs would feel happy at home in their ruling planets, (technically, Saturn is Aquarius’ ancient ruler, but I digress,) but in this placement, these celestial bodies are bringing out our insecurities.

At this time, we are timid and overwhelmed with uncertainty. We might try to mask those feelings with a contrived bravado. This sort of superficiality can be more harmful than helpful. We do not always have to fake it until we make it. It would be wise to seek guidance during this transit. A kindly paternal figure might have wise words for you.

The Moon Is Square Jupiter at 3:47 AM

A couple of hours later, the moon in stubborn Taurus forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius. This square can create tension with authority figures as well as romantic partners. We may feel distant from a maternal figure in our lives. At this time, our liver is vulnerable, so it would be wise to avoid overindulging in food or drink.

Lunar Taurus’ obstinance can enhance our haughtiness. We are less inclined to listen to others because we feel like we know best. This arrogance, coupled with Aquarius’ rebelliousness, can make us push others away. As hard as it may be, it is important to resist this temptation. Though their advice may be unwarranted, our loved ones only want to help us. We do not need to take their advice, we only need to listen. Meditation can help open our minds and ears to the guidance of others.

The Moon Moves Into Gemini at 4:47 AM

Exactly one hour later, the moon moves into inquisitive Gemini. Under this moon, our mental faculties are sharpened. We are curious and sympathetic. We are ready to have new experiences and meet new people. 

The moon rules our emotions, and when housed in Gemini, our expressive sensibilities are heightened. Gemini is the most communicative sign, so this is a wonderful time to network, and meet someone who may open doors for us. We are open to new possibilities and are willing to learn and to achieve any and all opportunities.

The Moon Is Square Mars at 9:31 AM

Around breakfast time, the moon in Gemini forms a square with Mars in critical Virgo

This square brings out our passion, but it can also bring out our competitive spirits. We feel particularly argumentative, especially with the opposite sex. We try to mask our emotions with hasty decisions. It is important that we acknowledge our own feelings at this time, rather than repressing them. Journaling or talking to a trusted confidant can help.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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