What Today’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini Mean for You

Today brings us a new moon and solar eclipse forming a conjunction with Mercury retrograding in Gemini. What the heck does that mean? In short, buckle up!

Today marks the end of our recent eclipse season. The moon has formed a conjunction with the sun, causing a new moon and a solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini. On top of that, this eclipse also forms a conjunction with Mercury, currently retrograding in Gemini. So in other words, buckle up. Things are about to get interesting.

Eclipses usher in some chaotic energy. They’re tied to our destiny and can have the effect of moving us quickly down our destined path–or pulling us off of it completely and placing us on a new one. It’s not always the easiest or most comfortable energy, but there’s no denying that it gets things done.

It’s important to pause and pay attention to what the universe is telling you at this time. However, do not try to force its hand. Because of the aforementioned chaotic energy, manifestation work — which is usually a natural fit during a new moon — isn’t advised during eclipse season. The idea here isn’t to push your way forward; that will happen naturally. Your job right now is to drop back, reflect, and receive.

Luckily, Gemini is the most intellectually curious sign of the zodiac. So lean into that energy and question everything–where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going.

Of course, these are just the broad strokes. To really determine how this astrological event will affect you on a personal level, you’ll need to see where it activates your birth chart. So read on to see what’s in store for you based on your sun sign and rising sign.

Aries and Aries Rising

This eclipse occurs in your 3rd house of thought and communication. You’ll be able to clearly articulate new ideas, but you may also be surprised at some new discoveries you make. Keep your eye out for collaboration opportunities, but don’t force anything. It’s important to stay busy, but don’t make any grand plans yet.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Taurus, this event will be focused on your 2nd house of value. It might be time to take a good hard look at your financial health and where you’re headed. Eclipses can sometimes force hard changes, so stay on your toes and be mindful of your savings. New opportunities for making money could present themselves.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Gemini, all of these intense astrological happenings are currently occurring in your 1st house of identity. Reinvention is at the forefront of your mind right now, but that means making some tough choices about things it’s time to let go of. Take your time and think this through. And remember that all beginnings come from endings.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

This eclipse is occurring in your 12th house of mysteries. This could kick off a serious period of personal growth over the next six months or more. Start planning the subjects you’d like to dig into now. Sometimes withdrawing for a while is the best way to gather your strength for your next big adventure.

Leo and Leo Rising

Leo, this is all happening in your sector of gatherings. Take some time to reach out to your circle, especially if you’ve felt disconnected lately. Being able to bounce some ideas off people you trust will be good for your soul. But brace yourself for new revelations: a change might be afoot.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

This astrological event is occurring in your 10th house of career achievements, Virgo. Take some time to visualize where you’d like your professional life to go and plot out a roadmap for the next six months. Small, tangible goals are your friend. But don’t make any solid plans just yet – eclipses are unpredictable and something could get lost in interpretation.

Libra and Libra Rising

It’s all happening in your 9th house of expansion. This is a time to dream big. The sky is the limit here. New opportunities could present themselves in the areas of higher education or travel. Be open to these possibilities, but stay on your toes – there could be more to the situation than you’re seeing right now.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

This eclipse is feeling right at home in your 8th house of transformation. Changes are on the horizon, Scorpio, but luckily you’re usually pretty comfortable with the cycle of tearing down and then building back up. Eclipses are unpredictable – it’s best just to surrender and go with the flow.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Sag, all of this action is occurring in your 7th house of partnerships. This could usher in a brand-new phase of a new or existing relationship over the next six months or more. But eclipses are mirrors, and this one is likely to show you exactly where you’re holding yourself back in your love life. Not all revelations are comfortable, but they are for your greater good.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Today’s events are occurring in your house of health and work habits. And it’s time to get that house in order. This eclipse might make you feel especially physically drained, driving home the fact that you need to take care of yourself. How do you want to feel six months from now? What is your body trying to tell you?

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, everything’s happening in your 5th house of passion and creativity. This is a time to really let the creative juices start to flow and to dwell on dreams of the future. Eclipses aren’t a time for manifesting, per se, because the energy is unpredictable and chaotic. But be open to where the muse leads you. The time for action will come soon enough.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Sweet Pisces, all this astrological energy is focusing on your 4th house of domesticity. This will initiate a new six-month phase that will center on your family life or living situation. Some big changes could be on the horizon in your home life – stay flexible and give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

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