You’ll Never Win a Fight Against This Zodiac Sign

From our friends at My Sign Says:

Every sign has their own communication style, which means they also have their own fighting style. Are you the type of person who needs to scream out all your frustrations and then sweetly make up after? Can you not stand to raise your voice at all? It’s important to know, if for no other reason than to surround yourself with people who are on your wavelength.

So today, we’re taking a look at how each sign fights — and some tips on how to weather those storms (or gain the upper hand) when they come.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

Aries has an explosive temper and a strong drive to be competitive. Handling conflict with an Aries is all about channeling that fiery energy into something other than anger.

If you can get them to do something physical — play a game, for instance, or tackle a chore such as taking out the trash — it’ll help take the edge off.

You’ll never win a shouting match with an Aries, but if you can distract them with busywork or play, they’ll quickly forget why they were angry in the first place.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Arguing with a Taurus is pointless. This sign is so stubborn that you’ll never get them to change their minds about anything.

Unless they’re doing something that might hurt themselves or others, the best thing to do is to let it go.

Tell them that you appreciate their opinion and will keep it in mind — and then change the subject.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Geminis are some of the easiest people to defeat in an argument — as long as you do your homework.

All you have to do is show them the facts that prove they’re wrong. Keep your phone handy when arguing with a Gemini to fact-check whatever they’re saying.

Of course, if the argument is emotional rather than logical, you are better off agreeing to disagree. Gemini will not stop trying to persuade you unless you literally leave the room.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) 

Cancer doesn’t argue as much as some signs — but when they get mad, beware! This Water sign is heavily swayed by emotions, both their own and those of the group as a whole.

That means it’s very difficult to get them to calm down once tensions are high.

The worst thing you can do is tell them that they’re being emotional, unreasonable, or irrational. They know that, and it doesn’t matter in the heat of the moment.

The best way to win an argument with a Cancer is to back down, apologize if necessary, and bring them a peace offering. May we suggest pie?

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Leos love to fight. To them, it’s more akin to performance art or a fun hobby. This Fire sign will pick fights if they get bored or play Devil’s Advocate just to stir things up, regardless of their actual opinions.

The key to winning an argument against a Leo is to avoid it in the first place. Plan your gathering with plenty of activities — movies, games, a long walk after dinner — so that they don’t get restless.

And if all else fails, just keep feeding them until they get too sleepy to cause a scene.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Bad news, friends. It’s impossible to win an argument against a Virgo. They’ll have prepared for everything and may, in fact, bring a PowerPoint presentation or chart with labeled diagrams to prove their point.

Before you pick a fight with a Virgo, be absolutely sure that you can back up your words with cold, hard facts. Otherwise, they’ll destroy you.

Um, good luck?

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Libras don’t love to argue. In fact, they’d rather do pretty much anything else.

This conflict-avoidant sign believes in fairness and hearing both sides out, so they’re more likely to find themselves in the middle of someone else’s spat.

If you do get into it with a Libra, appeal to their sense of fairness with a well-reasoned argument.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

Beware getting into a fight with a Scorpio. This sign plays dirty. In the heat of the moment, they might blurt out a nasty piece of gossip or a secret you told them in confidence.

It’s best to try smoothing things over with Scorpio before that happens.

This sign also holds grudges, so consider whether arguing with them is really worth it. Is it that important to prove that you’re right?

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Sagittarius would rather avoid a big fight, so don’t be surprised if they split in the middle of an argument.

They might just go outside to cool off — or they might leave the party early.

If Sagittarius needs space, give it to them. Continuing to push will result in both sides saying things they can’t take back.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20) 

Like Virgo, Capricorn is ruthless in an argument. But they’re also world champion grudge holders, so beware starting a fight with them unless you want to dedicate the next 20 years to a feud.

Capricorn can be persuaded by a sound debate or well-researched evidence. They don’t respond well to emotional arguments and can blow their top if pushed too hard.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

Arguing with an Aquarius is pointless. You might as well try to have a debate with the family cat. This sign is strongly independent, passionate about their beliefs, and much smarter than you might think.

That combination means that it’s essentially impossible to persuade them about anything.

Be prepared for a lecture if you challenge them on their favorite topics, too. Basically, just avoid talking about anything controversial around an Aquarius and you should be fine.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Ah, Pisces. Arguing with this Water sign is an exercise in frustration. See, the problem is that when Pisces gets overwhelmed or upset, they tend to turn on the waterworks.

Sometimes, it’s a tactic to shut down an argument and “win” by default. Other times, they genuinely can’t help those angry tears.

Stay calm, don’t shout or use harsh language, and try to defuse the fight before it gets to be too much.

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