Mercury Moves into Gemini Today, and Here’s What That Means for Your Sign

Today, Mercury — planet of thought and communication — moves into its native sign of Gemini. On a macro level, this generally will make us more clear-headed and articulate. If there’s something on your mind you’ve been meaning to share with the world, this is an opportune time to do so (and especially do it before Mercury goes retrograde on May 29th!)

But what does it mean for you on an individual level? These major planetary shifts mean different things for each sign, because they occur in different astrological houses, which rule individual areas of our lives. That means this overall clear-headedness and articulation could manifest in your family life, in how you relate to your community, in your creative or love life, or even in how you approach your own emotions on a more introspective level.

Ready to find out what this aspect means for you specifically? Read on. And if you know your rising sign, be sure to read that one too!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, this astrological event is occurring in your 3rd house of communication. This is a great placement for Mercury, and under this transit you’ll communicate your thoughts and words clearly and articulately. You’re also especially adept at multi-tasking, though juggling too many things at once will leave you feeling scattered.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Taurus, this transit occurs in your sector of value and money. This is an excellent time to sit down and really dig into your finances. Your head is clear and rational, and you could make wise decisions concerning your savings, investments, and overall financial goals. New money-making ideas could present themselves – make sure you jot everything down.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

With Mercury entering into Gemini in your 1st house of identity, you’re especially direct under this transit. You’ll make no qualms about expressing yourself or communicating your needs and desires to others. Self-expression comes easily right now; take advantage of it.

Cancer (May 21-June 20)

Cancer, this is all occurring in your 12th house of mysteries. You might find yourself a bit stuck in the past – mulling over your personal history in search of meaning. You’re certainly no stranger to these bouts of introspection and melancholy. This isn’t a time of self-expression for you; you’ll be much more comfortable retreating for a bit in reflection and meditation.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Good news, Leo, it’s your time to shine! Mercury is moving into Gemini in your sector of community. If you’ve felt like you had something to express to the world at large, don’t pass up the chance! (Like you would, anyway.) Others are receptive to your thoughts and ideas right now, and you’re especially adept at getting your point across in a convincing manner.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Virgo, this is all happening in your 10th house of career and ambition. This is an excellent transit for public speaking and presentations. It would also be a good time to communicate your view in your chosen industry to colleagues or the world at large. All of that innate attention to detail could pay off here — people could turn to you for advice at this time, as you might be viewed as an authority in your field.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Small talk just isn’t gonna cut it under this transit. Since it’s happening in your sector of philosophy and higher learning, you want to talk about expansive topics and life-changing ideas. You’re able to see the big picture, and to communicate that to others. Make sure you still remember the details though, like appointments and anniversaries.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

Scorpio, this astrological happening occurs in your 8th house of transformation and rebirth — a sector you’re quite comfortable in. Your intuition is absolutely on point under this transit (not that you typically have any problems with that). You’re able to communicate on a deep yet clear level, and you can pick up on unspoken cues from the people around you.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

Mercury is moving into Gemini in your 7th house of partnerships and balance. This transit encourages deliberation, and you’re weighing the pros and cons of just about everything right now. That could lead to some indecisiveness, because you want everyone around you to be happy. This would be an excellent time to make peace with the people in your life.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

Capricorn, this transit occurs in your 6th house of work, health, routines, and habits. Mercury is the natural ruler of the 6th house, so this should be a comfortable transit. It’s a great time to do a little housekeeping – deep clean, pay bills, make to-do lists, and generally get things in order. Improving your health and organizational skills are at the top of the list.

Aquarius (January 21-February 20) 

This event is happening in your sector of romance, passion, and creativity, so this is obviously going to be a creatively fertile transit for you. You’re bursting with ideas, and you’re able to express them to others very articulately. You’re also concerned with pleasure and passion at this time, and you’re more likely to take spontaneous, but playful, risks.

Pisces (February 21-March 20) 

Pisces, Mercury is making this grand entrance in your 4th house of home, family, and domesticity. You’re likely to find yourself in a bit of a nostalgic mood under this transit. It would be a great opportunity to reach out to loved ones you’ve been separated from to reminisce. Especially take time to check in with family members to make sure they feel loved and supported. Unexpected visitors are possible.

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